Friday, September 14, 2012

Pur Life's Hari Raya Open House this Sunday!!

As Salam.Kepada semua warga online,anda dijemput hadir ke open house kami pd hari Ahad ni.Dtg beramai2 k ada mkn free bersama jemputan VIP duta produk Pur Life, Emma Akma.dekat kelab golf lagi,kelas gitu! SMS or call utk rsvp ke 0176293569 or PM inbox FB Nurliyana Wan.Jumpa anda di sana!

Dear Online citizen, you're invited to our Aidilfitri's Open House on this Sunday. Please come with your families,friends and anyone.Our special guest will be our Product Ambassador, Emma Akma (Actress). SMS or call me at 0176293569 for RSVP or PM to my FB, Nurliyana Wan. See you guys there!

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